
Monday, September 30, 2013

Questions You Should Answer in a Project Proposal

Questions You Should Answer in a Project Proposal - Stuck in a Server Closet
Over the past year I have had to create more and more project proposals instead of just going crazy and buying things as I want to (Probably a good idea). As I have become hopefully better with each passing proposal I wanted to share a list of questions I try to answer in a project proposal helping me to better sell the project to management. I don't use them all, and each project results in the use of different questions and answers but this is a good place to start, maybe you will find your own questions as well when you create your own proposal.

  1. Who will benefit from the project
  2. Why are we doing this
  3. What is our end goal
  4. When could it be done
  5. What are the steps of the project
  6. What is the cost
  7. What is the potential savings
  8. What is wrong with the current system
  9. Who will we purchase from
  10. Why will we purchase from said vendors/people
  11. Who will install this
  12. Who is the project leader
  13. What will it look like when its finished
  14. What are the tasks of the project, and the timeline they will be finished in
  15. What is the long term cost of the project
  16. What is the goal of the project (Much like the question Why are we doing this)
  17. How long will the end result last
  18. Does it scale up easily

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